Monday, February 6, 2023

New War Memorial Postcard recently found. Nice view across the very open grassed grounds of Court Lodge, where there is now a fruit tree orchard.

The Forge, Tumblefield Lane, Stansted. The printed 1/2d on stamp area on back dates this to between 1894-1918, another source narrows it down to between 1900s/10s
. Dick Hogbin of Fairseat and Stansted Historical society kindly provided me with an aerial shot to show where this building was (north of the Footpath). I suppose once tractors arrived, the forge got less and less work and eventually gave up business. 


Kit's House, formerly known as The Cottage on the Hill, on Plaxdale Green Road

Kit's House, formerly known as The Cottage on the Hill, on  Plaxdale Green Road. Dated between 1894-1918, postmark may say December 22, 09.