Saturday, April 28, 2018

A mystery to solve - New Tea Rooms, Stansted

Here is a mystery. I've seen this postcard before, and always assumed it was not our Stansted, but the Stansted where the Airport now is, because I can't place the house, or the road. However, the message on the back of this postcard says it is 11 1/2 miles from Maidstone, so that would be about right for us.

Can anyone solve the mystery of where this was in our area?

Still mulling over this... does anyone think that it could possibly be where the house called Jane's Farm (end of Hatham Green Lane) now stands? See below for comparison image. Looks about right to me, and would perhaps make sense for a tearoom to be there.

Editor update: I was close in my guess, but please see comments sent in, I now know this Tearoom was at the junction of Ash Lane and London Road (A20), so the road in the postcard is the A20, it certainly looks a bit different now.

I've also found a better quality image of the front of the card.


  1. Is the postcard dated 1911?

  2. Ah, didn't notice that before. 2nd August 1911 at the top? I am more and more sure that this Tearoom stood at the junction of Hatham Green Lane / Stansted Lane / Ash Lane. The telegraph pole in the old picture and the modern shot is pretty similar.

  3. Hello. I think that we have tracked down the location of the tea rooms. It used to be on Peckham Wood Corner - which is at the junction of Ash Lane and the A20 (where Copper Beeches now stands). The tea rooms are recorded in the 1911 Census and the 1939 Register but not in the 1901 Census and not on the 1897 map. The postcard shows the A20 going towards Wrotham with Ash Lane just showing on the left and with the old Terry's Lodge Road just showing on the right (it used to be a crossroads). I have more detail on all this if you would like it - but at least it seems like one small mystery has been unravelled!

  4. From Dick Hogbin -

  5. Wow, thanks for the input! So they moved the Terry's Lodge Road to down the road a bit after this was taken? That is the A20! Bit different back then.... thank you for solving the mystery, I am away for a few days, will look at this again when I'm back. Love it when someone else gets involved in the mystery!
